Sunday 14 October 2012

Signs Of Love - Love Match By Melody James Review

I really really enjoyed reading Love Match. this was one funny book if you ask me. It's about Gemma Stone, a 14-year-old aspiring journalist who ends up writing horoscopes for her school's webzine. While taking on the role of Jessica Jupiter, astrologer and matchmaker, she also helps her friends and saves an important piece of school architecture in the process. It appears lighthearted and flighty, but it's actually more serious that that, which surprised me. Another focus of Gemma's life is her younger brother Ben, who suffers from cystic fibrosis. His illness affects the whole family, and Gemma often has to help out with his physio and medication. It's an inspirational story for anyone in secondary school who's wondering what to do in the future. It shows that you have to keep trying. The romantic matchmaking elements add humour and boys to the story, making it even more reminiscent of being fourteen and not knowing what's in store. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone that age! It's a feelgood, accurate portrayal of secondary school life, but it also has an air of maturity to it.

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